Saturday, January 20, 2018


   1st of December saw us after boarding checks needing a new fridge for Ezakheni 2.  We decided to give them ours, which is a few years old and purchase one for ourselves.  The way it is done! Cleaning and delivery would be later since we were off to Bethlehem, Clarens and the VanUtierts for the weekend.   Got home Monday.
   Signed with and finally agreed on a menu for the Newcastle and Ladysmith Zones' Christmas party.  (that should have been easier but they wanted to give us lamb or curry)  Wednesday was the Christmas party for the moms and children with cerebral palsy at Provincial Hospital.  We helped buy gifts so we got to pass out gifts.
    We left Friday for Richards Bay to give Seminary and Institute certificates to the District President.  The previous District Pres. didn't hand out that years certificates and then he moved.  Hope this guy gives this years out.  Visited with the Collins for the last time and had dinner.  It was fun to see Bro. Mosia from Ladysmith at the Richards Bay Branch just visiting the Branch.  He is such an asset to our Branch.  Salt Lake people were there to conduct focus groups or gathering information  and we got involved with transporting some members to that meeting,later that day. One of those ladies from the Enseleni was going to visit her daughter in St George in January like she does every year.   Small world!
   Came down the Midlands Meander on Monday and got in the Christmas spirit ! ( chilly and rainy helps that)
Looking all over for Christmas food and can't find any precooked ham or poinsettas.  The poinsetta would have been the only Christmas thing in the house --and no banana! I would not give up looking!!
   Christmas party for the Elders at the Royal Hotel and they did a nice job with decoration and food.
   Could only find 1 place that had a Father Christmas suit because Kent had to pass out candy in Ezakheni on Saturday.  He looked good.  Cute play  and entertainment attempt with Baby Jesus flying through the air. (Ask Kent)
Went to EZ on Sunday and sang in Sacrament meeting but there was no time  for music in primary and there was only 1 teacher prepared.  It is not improving.
   Made the first coffee cakes of the season on Monday and talked to our travel agent about going to the Cape before we come home.  Tues we went with Browns to the Meander and found my Poinsetta and ham.  Stayed 1 night in a cute old place (Threshings)  and they told us about a waterfall to go see and the back way to Howick.  Fun weekend!  Back to reality on the 21.  We picked up Nelson and had a good visit in Watersmeet  with Sma and no children.  The girls went to GoGo's early for Christmas.
   Ladysmith church Sunday and Kent spoke and we sang.   Since it was Christmas Eve and only Ladysmith Elders volunteered to call parents early, we had them for dinner and Sibonelo was supposed to come.  At the last minute he could not come so we had a lot of food left over. 
   Eight Elders started arriving at 10 AM on  Christmas Day with their instructions from home about how to call home. The first 2 were Africans and scheduled for later in the day but couldn't wait and showed up early. We gave them traditional  breakfast with the hash browns and bacon and eggs and coffee cake.  6 Elders started arriving at 3:30.   Americans did  Facetime or Skype  But the Africans that had family to call didn't seem to understand that Parents were to be emailed the week before so they would be ready for a call.  At least they were the same time zone but in different countries all over Africa.  My Tanzania Elder could not connect until his companion decided it was happening and they called a few places till they found everyone at the same house and all was fine.  It was tricky this time with all the many different ways to communicate and two different continents.  They were finally all done at 8:30 Pm and all  had watermelon, pasta salad with ham, and cake at some point in the evening.    I don't remember it being like any Christmas from the past but still a neat memory.
   Taxi wars have been going on  and the government just shut the 2 companies down. Their taxis get impounded if they operate.  It's  just the Ladysmith companies because over the last 2 years there have been 71 murders related to the routes to Joburg.  People are still getting around with very full cars and bakis.  Christmas didn't seem to slow down a bit even though it seemed less crowded on the roads.
   Finished my picture project for Ezakheni Primary .  We also met the Brown's whole family visiting for Christmas after they went to Nambeti.
   The only other thing of note was our VT meeting with the Madonsela's and we baked a cake with the family and baked it while we visited.  The power went out -tripped the breaker and of course it made the cake crack and burn on top.  Think about never having your mother showing you how to bake something in the oven, that is what it was like. These are first generation oven owners and they didn't know what "preheat oven" meant.  There was some real learning going on I hope and they try it on their own.  Mostly it was me--I learn more everytime I go to see these guys in their homes.  So what would I choose to have in my home--electricity or running water and toilets?   These guys live 30km out of town in a very rural township.  Ezakheni is only 22 kms but they get both.  Their issues are crime and getting running water only between 3-5 AM.
  New Years Eve was a quiet Braii in the rain with no Elders -just Uthika going back and forth.


Friday, December 22, 2017


November saw us carving the pumpkin we found the first of October but didn't have time to carve.  We asked Christian if we could borrow his kids Nathan and Christina and I think they thought it was very weird but fun! Christina likes to design.
Perhaps the only jack o lantern in SA
   Zone conference with Newcastle in Ladysmith was our responsibility this time. had an area authority, Elder Hamilton ,the President of the Seventy, he spoke in General Conference this time.
Elders Brown and Rhodes at the Braii
  He lives for 5 years in Joburg and is over Southeast Africa with his 2 councilors.     He and his wife were the main attraction and speakers at our conference and we decided to have a hamburger braii for lunch with chips and American type potatoe salad.
Mangum bars topped it off! When some dignitary comes like this they work him to death and invite the 2 districts to come for a fireside.  Our conference ended about 5:00 and at about 5:30 they tried to start the Fireside at Ladysmith Chapel.  Transport is an issue but President DeKlerk over Ladysmith decided to spend the money for taxis for Dundee and Ezakheni to come.  Newcastle decided they could not afford it and only missionaries attended.  We had 3 taxis arrive and the crowd eventually did not disappoint.   Elder Hamilton talked about not breaking the chain of activity in the church and always being mindful of our families that come after us, here in Africa.  He gave the example of his own convert mother and how many family members were members of the church at her age of 89 because she stayed faithful.  It was good and very needed message for our area.
   It was a big day with food prep, serving, meetings, singing in the fireside with Kent's guitar, and clean up.  We were there from 9:15AM-8:15 at night and only went home once to get something. During all this I had a sick Elder that insisted he needed to go to the Dr. and would not be there for the festivities.  He had been battling a cold for a month and we gave him cold meds and ibuprofen but he decided that Thursday he needed to be seen and he was sure he had strep throat.  We always have to take Elders to the Dr. so that we can pay cash but what a bad day and how inconvienent!  I did not see blood and I was a little mad that he did not give us a heads up before this busy day.  The up shot was that he wasn't getting better and he had to have mega shots of antibiotics that didn't seem to work for his severe tonsilitis. He insisted on going to the hospital and I'm glad he did, but now it was Friday and he would not get out of the hospital till Monday.   We had an S&I conference that we had to travel about 5 hours for, that day!  He improved a lot by Sunday with IV's of antibotics and we let the other Elders take him home from the hospital on Monday.  My sensitivity towards this Elder  seemed really bad .  I will never be friended on his Facebook page I'm sure, but we all lived through it and he's home now telling a good South African hospital missionary story.
Street festival in Winterton
   That Friday took us to the Winterton Festival,  sort of like the Apple Festival without the
Can you guess what candy floss is?
apples.  This is a small town that they close to traffic and put booths of homemade goodies .  We got lunch and bought stuff with our neighbor Uticka .
   That Sunday we were in Ezakheni and practiced music and stayed for 5 babtisms and played for singing.
Monday we took off for our S&I Retreat out of Kimberley in Free State in Mokula National Park.  Why they make these so remote we will never know.
No wifi or internet service and ify phone service.  We did get another cool encounter with a giraffe, though!  It may be my favorite picture of all time. 
I think this is my favorite pic of the trip because it is rare to see giraffes drink.  
Giraffes will fall over when drinking if they don't do the splits. This guy got to the watering hole about the time we drove up in our Backi.  I thought he would bolt, but he was too thirsty.  He can go over 2 weeks without water so when he drinks it can be as much as 12 gallons.  (that's longer than a camel)
Had a hard time concentrating on our teacher because of...
Warthogs kneel when eating.
Go Pumba!

 Started for home on Thursday and stopped at the Big Hole in Kimberly and spent the night and had dinner with the Hicks in Bloemfontein.
Kimberley diamond mine hole

   The goal was to get home for Saturday Primary Activity Day in Ezakheni with the side adventure of Primary Sacrament Meeting program practice.  You see the lunch was a way bigger deal to the kids and for the adults.  Sister Mkheze wrote the program but the children had never seen their parts or used the mike before.  We started at 11 and ended at 4 and served 65 children.  Kent helped and did stuff the whole time.  We ran through it 2 times and it went good.  Sister Mkeze had left out 2 songs and I only caught one.   They also only used children that were older because of their English skills.  On Sunday we probably had 50 children which was a lot for any primary.
   I had decided the night before Sunday to teach and give out popcorn balls since they did not know Popcorn Popping and I had a tree I could stick popcorn on.  There were still blank stares  while teaching, but when food is involved they all pay attention. On the way home we had arranged to pick up Sister Nqcoble to do her son's family history work and get his name to be baptised with the Branch that following Saturday at the Temple.  He had died at 12 years of age of an illness and Mom was so excited about his baptism.
    We Took Elder Roman to get his hearing-aid mold fitted on Monday and made Elder Christensen his B cake and had a party that night since he was in the hospital on his birthday.
Birthdaycake for Elder Christensen
   Next 3 days were clean up days and try to finish Wise but could not get onto program.  Kent had to teach Seminary in Ezakheni and we had to prepare for Saturday. 
We did a Dundee Super Saturday and had to be home in time to pick -up Elder Michulse 1/2 way from Durban and take him home to Ezakheni from his mission.
  They were planning a party and dinner for him at about 6 but they left so late from Durban that it was about 8:30 when we got him to his home.  He is the only black African I know that went to England on his mission and his English is great!
    We went back to Dundee on Sunday to watch area Conference with that Branch and I played with special musical number from our old Seminary students--there must have been 12 of them and they sounded good! Sonny loved to conduct the group and confessed he would love to do a big choir.  We have learned that we just do variations of hymns because they are still learning them and they love to learn them and the only ones they really know are programmed into the organs-which is a limited number.   When Kent and I sing for something we just sing a hymn or medley of hymns because it just seems more appropriate. They think the other stuff is strange.
   We had another appointment on Tues. for E. Roman for the mold on his hearing aid.  Monday was more food shopping for Thanksgiving and clean a little and do laundry. 
Thanksgiving at the Rhodes house
Thurs at 2 we had the big meal and all the Elders came through!  Ladysmith was last to get their food assignment and I pretty much needed a vegetable .  Something green and well we took a picture of their creation.  Pumpkin pie out of butternut and blue pumpkin was especially good and Elder Vaughn just beamed.
   Friday we met with a cute gal named Nomkhosi, and went with her to buy toys for 42 cerebral Palsy kids for Provincial Hospital's once a year party.  This was our Christmas party to ourselves.  She was delightful and we got into the Christmas Spirit a little, as we sweat in 90 degree weather.
   Made a cake on Friday for Kents final Seminary test and party for Sister Zwane's class on Saturday.  (Remember he had to teach to the test so they could cover material, they were so behind.)
  I stayed home and started the 3 pans of brownies for Sunday.
YSA fireside at Laysmith chapel
Sunday was a big day for YSA kids.  President DeKlerk decided that he would taxi all the kids to LSmith for a together showing of Pres. Oaks and Elder Ballard's Face to Face fireside.  In order to make it work he asked me to make lunch for an undetermined amount of kids at the chapel.  We would give them and fix lunch after the block and feed them when they arrived.  The upshot was I was short pork bangers and I was sick!  We had about 8 to 10 Ezakheni Seminary students come in the taxi with the older kids and really throw things off.  The Branch Presidency from E came early for a meeting and did not oversee the transport.  They were goiing to go home on the taxi but it was too full.  Live and learn!  We had about 65 kids which was really exciting to see and for them.
   This is next week is transfer week and it started Tues for some of the couples and we had big stuff on Wednesday--Probably saw 25 Elders coming through and going home.
Transfer day for elders. Lots of luggage!
  Not too much food went flying because they were late in the day.  Saw the Hicks and got to visit with them on Tuesday.  Managed to go do our end of month trip to Madonsela's to see our favorite sisters.  Ivy was tired.  When we asked why she said that her and her friends were putting the roof on this new little round house.  What she really meant to say was that she also had gathered all the grass for the roof also. 

Partially completed round house with thatch roof




Monday, November 27, 2017


Sunday the 1st of October we are home at Ladysmith and oriented Sister Mathe for music leader.  I have a great video for music so I started showing it after the block, and ended up showing it to all the Primary workers. They just came in and wanted to watch a large black primary from the Carribean have a Primary sharing time.  It was informative and they watched actual sharing time music and ideas on how to teach music and their classes.  Youtube is our friend!  They loved it.
   The geyser and washing machine died on Monday.  Had to study for class for Tuesday and go to class. On Wednesday we had to fix Elders broken stuff and we went to their boardings to pick up broken stuff to find parts. 
Rained a lot on Thursday and I wish it would continue.  Friday the Browns came to town and our good friend Sibonelo was re-baptized and Kent got to do it.  We all took him to the Guinea Fowl to celebrate.  Saturday was the start of our marathon of General Conference .  (4 hours and snack.)  Sunday was 6 hours of Conference with lunch made by Sisters and me.
   P-day it rained and we studied, shopped and said good-bye  to the Woods.  Our wedding anniversary was non existent, but we did finish fixing table leg, and fan and other Elder stuff.  On Friday we went for our usual meeting with President and my GoGo Zwane to go over some things in the room and give her keys we made for the room.
  We did our Super Saturday for Ezakheni and Sister Mama Zwane  went with me to get the chicken.  Kids loved the games and we had the same number of people as Newcastle.  I ordered 48 lunches altogether.  Fun was had by all!
   Church at Ezakheni and played for Sister Sosibo on Sunday. 
Monday was prepare for Tuesday and on Wednesday it was Transfers and had about 24 Elders in and out all day.  Transfer  pancakes!
Some Elders were stuck so long that we took them to Penelopes for lunch.  We had to house APs that night. 
   Went to Newcastle on Thursday to do S and I and visit with President Mashayo and home seminary teachers.  Browns came early on Thursday to interview people and we went to a late breakfast together.  Kent was having a lot of trouble and getting a new phone through S and I,  so I practiced at Ladysmith Chapel,(primary music) and he went to sort things out with the phone.
   On Sunday we were at Ladysmith practicing for P. program , District mt for Kent in Ezakheni and fast trip for music and more children pictures. 
We got home at 4.  Monday we did a Durban transport for the APs.  That was our whole day because it was more than 6 hours round trip.
   President Thompson met us with a van full of Elders-6  from Madagascar mission on Tuesday. We kept 2 Elders in our zone.

This is where I digress and tell what thos
e Elders told us.  Yes-- first hand gossip!  We got 2 of those new Elders in our new Ladysmith Zone.  One Elder is from SA up by the Mozembique border.  His name is Kruger (krugerand) and is  6'5" and a big Africaans guy.  They told us that every year there is some sort of parade in  Madagascar where they dig up their ancestor's bones and dance with  them in the  street. Every year there is an outbreak of the black plague (of middle ages vintage) and people die within 24 hours after symptons are discovered.  Many this year, discovered too late and over 100 or more died because they did not get the antibiotic quick enough.  They can't afford it so even if they discover the symptoms it's too late and they die.  The bones are old and powdery and this mideval plague is now airborne.  Our missionaries were quarantined in their boardings with masks until they were shipped off to new missions till it is considered safe to go back.  They had to place 78 missionaries all over Africa.
   At 3PM we went to Ez and oriented Primary teacher and taught our Institute class.
Chicken currie was a nice treat!
   Wednesday was organizing days-cleaning ,washing, errands, Kent's Presidency in Ladysmith and blog.  Friday Kent taught Seminary in Ezakheni and I met with Sister Zwane.  Saturday Kent went again to Ez for Seminary and I had Primary Presentation Activity day from 12 -4.  We served kids lunch and all 13 of them got their parts.  I only helped the music leader a little and played.  We were pooped but our neighbor Yutika brought dinner for us. 
   Sunday Sac mt program in L. S.- went well and I left my cake after Sacrament meeting so they could have their treat after the block.  (we eat a lot in this church)  We took off for Ez. after the 1st hour because we needed to decide with Primary Pres. when we would do Ezakheni's P. program.  We got there and everything in Primary was a mess.  Apparently they could not open the locked Primary room because of the lock on the door.  Primary was meeting everywhere in the building and doubling up in classes.  Kent brings his tools in from the car and can not  get the lock out.  We then just have that big Africaans Elder Kruger kick the door in- in one kick.  We messed up the door jam but did not break the door.
   Monday was a visiting day-visited Buki at work (who had gone less active). Went to talk to Sibonelo at work,  Madonsela's for Visiting Teaching, and Sister Fikile for Kent's new pants that needed to be hemmed.   This and lunch took all day. 
Tues was our last day of class and they partied with decorating their own cupcakes.  That night we wanted to carve a pumpkin that we found but just planned too much and would have to do it a day late on Nov. 1. Will that work?  Who cares- right?  --we are in SA?

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Primary - Seminary

Weavers apartment building!  Those are the little male birds working  furiously!

September 3-30
Pretty standard busy stuff and life as we know it!  
  All hands on deck for Primary with all of us taking classes and me doing sharing time.  I was sort of  in charge since we didn’t have any teachers yet.  Monday was complicated with Kent Picking up Alfred from home and taking him back to the hospital.  I stayed home and studied and blogged, made a cake for an Elder that I forgot. 
  We would be getting  new Elder during transfers this week and had to get new bedding and transport our bed over. Tuesday was our class and Wednesday was our transfer day with 10 Elders for pancakes in shifts.  Ladysmith is a transport hub and buses and vans meet here and all day and night movement is happening.  A logistical nightmare that thank goodness the APs ( assistants to President) take care of! 
  Browns were here all day on Thursday and we went to Winterton for lunch –but this time it was not good.  We had Elders spending the night on Wednesday and Friday with zone leaders needing a place and an overabundance staying on other Elders couches.  We were gone from 9-7 am to our assignment for transfers to transport missionaries going through Ladysmith to Bethlahem.  It’s about 21/2 hours away and has a mall.  We had lunch and shopped an hour before back to home.  I love the spontaneous! 
  DeKlerks were at church Sunday and she did music with me on the piano.  55 kids were a strain on the system and she could see that.  I did sharing time.   Management in a small room becomes imposible with that many chairs and no room to move.  We were going to divide but didn’t because our only teacher was not ready to do it.  I called an impromptu meeting with 2 councilors and newly called music leader and Sis DeKlerk.  I had just been sustained as the new District Primary President (over 3 branches) and thought we should talk about this division for next week and how it would work.   We still had only 1 teacher over the 6-7 year olds.  We had a sub nursery leader and the President was teaching Sunbeams.  Elders were still teaching the largest group, all Senior.  I was trying to explain how we would divide the group and have Elders teach 2 groups the same lesson and not go into sharing at all.  These were creative solutions to room problems and large primary problems but the Primary Presidency was not understanding our solutions.  Communication was an issue and both Sis DeKlerk and I brought up issues not for the whole group and all in all it was a contentious mess not needed at all to be done.  My most unpleasant experience so far on our mission. It was a long day with patching up in Ladysmith chapel and Sis DeKlerk serving food to all.
   Primary will get sorted, but not as fast or the way Sister Deklerk wants it done.  We will be gone in a few months and she will do it the way she wants soon. 
     On Tuesday  we had Institute and got a sub for the next week.  Made Sharing time kit for Sister Madlala but didn’t give to her till Friday.  We went over everything and that she would do it 2 times.  On Thursday we invited the Mission President, wife and his mother to Penelopes for lunch.  They loved it but had to scoot off to Newcastle for more interviews.  On Saturday we were in Newcastle for Zone Conference from 9-5(we actually got home before it was really dark).  We visited 2 institute classes during this time with Kent and I dividing and conquering.  We listened to Zone conference too and bought a rug!  Good day!
   Couples Retreat was from 18  th - 21st and at a Drakensburg resort. 
We were bored with that idea since we had already done much there, so many times.  Big beautiful resort and good 3 meals a day.  We wanted  to hike and have TV or internet at night , but nada!
Every morning we had our own private showing!
We had a gorgeous Peacock outside our room at night and we did go to the Boy’s Choir again which was good. The Conference was too long indoors for such a beautiful venu and maybe I’ve just been there- done- that—because I was just a little tired of it all.  We loved rubbing shoulders with our friends that are doing similar things as us.  We found some new  shops to go to  and on the way home went to an Antique/used furniture place and bought some needed furniture for the Elders. Got home at almost dark.  All in all ok!
Got creamed by the Collin's!

Learned to lawn bowl
At the Drakenburg Boy's Choir

   Friday was usual in Ezakheni I met with different Primary members and he with Branch Pres.  Saturday was another Heritage day at Ezakheni. Very cold but fun. Left early and went to Chinese food.

Branch President and Councilor in Ezaheni

Took B. cake for Kent’s birthday to Institute and that was not a small deal.  Darcy brought us German Chocolate cake mix but the coconut frosting was a trick.  Only one place in all of Ladysmith sold “sliced coconut” which is better 
than the powdered, desiccated stuff they sell.  It is not sweetened but at least it tasted like coconut and was quite good.  Of course the Africans had never had anything like it!
   Wed and Thursday were errand and cleaning, washing days and on Friday I put up my pics in the Primary room in Ezekheni.  I only got half of them up because the younger children have such a language issue with English being their second.  Birthdays with year were mandatory and Junior primary partially knew them.  We only had like 12 children on church records and computer because they don’t bless babies in Zulu land.  There are also so many people that are just new converts.  Almost all children in Ezakheni have no Fathers in the home much less in the church.  To date we count 2 married couples with familes.  Both husbands work or go to school away and come home rarely on holiday.   We make sure and get a member of the Branch Pres come in and talk to children once a month for sharing.  None of them are married but are wonderful young men.  Modeling a family unit seems to be an urgent need all over our mission.  People do not marry—and if they are shacked up must marry to join the church.  That’s how we get our family units.  After we dropped Cds off at Sister Sosibo, we took off for Newcastle to spend the night with the Browns. 
Super Saturday was ahead of us and we had to check out our food sources for lunch for this fun day.  Seminary students from 5 Branches were coming together from 10-3PM.  Elders did a game with the
group, and Kent and I did a Doctrinal Mastery game like Scripture mastery and threw bags of candy at the one that found the doctrinal mastery scripture.  They were good at it and of course the candy made it fun!  We showed short videos about "Put on the whole armor of God" and Kent gave a short talk.  After we fed them lunch from KFC and icecream bars, they watched “17 Miracles”.  It was quite the activity and we had a small budget to do it.  We went over the budget but kids don’t have mutual here or fun activities-this was it. 
   Also on this day Ezakheni had 30 people (2 taxis) go to the Joburg Temple.  That was big-- they left at about 2 in the morning and got back at about 3 in the afternoon.  Most did baptisms but we have quite a few returned missionaries- like 7.  Saturday was a great day for all of us!
We ordered about 38 lunches for kids and more for the adults.  

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Braais and GA's

DeKlerk's S. African braai on the 27th at our house

After spending the night in Durban we took our P day and went to a big mall (Gateway) and had lunch and shopped.  I think I bought a dress and Kent and I looked at rugs.  It was a nice little respite after all the activity.
 On Tues we crashed and dumped everything to study for our class.  Wed. made and gave Yuthika her birthday cake since she put it on our calendar as a reminder, had lunch and shopped for Elders.  Took Elder Mbongi  to get shot, but had to order.  Some days are more productive than others.  Dirty house was getting to me so laundry and the works-mopping, vac, dust.  I feel better.
    Shopping for Bro Mkasi and Charles, our superiors in S and I had to happen on Thursday.  They would arrive on Friday afternoon in our neighborhood and go to our arranged- for B&B and spend the night and come to our home in the morning and have breakfast.  We would leave for Osizweni
Osizweni -first stop in their little portable.
in Newcastle and meet with Seminary and Institute students for instruction from Bro. Mkasi.  He was really good and got the kids to participate.  He is a professional S&I coordinator and an area Seventy.  They were having an RS activity with food and served us a big lunch of chicken and pap. We were then off to Madadeni Chapel for meetings with the District President and Branch Presidents.  It was Priesthood stuff, so I took the car and went to the Browns until dinner.  We then all met up and went to the Browns favorite Indian
Aftermath  of food-Elder Mkasi standing next to me.
restaurant and had a good meal and head out for Ladysmith an hour and 15 min trek.  It was a good day, but we would do more the next day in Ladysmith and Ezakheni.  Kent found the B&B and I’m so glad he did.  I could not have accomodated them here comfortably.  

   On Sunday Kent had to speak in Ladysmith and Elder Mkasi met with youth in Sunday School and gave another  different lesson.  We then scooted out to Ezakheni for a special youth Fireside after their block and gave a different message.  I didn’t hear any of this because Sis DeKlerk and I drove home and fixed dinner so they all could meet up and have dinner and chat till 6.
  Elder Mkasi was really cool with youth and I showed him my Name Shark app on my phone and he got it on the spot.   He started taking pictures everywhere he went.  He travels a lot and meets lots of different people and will use the app a lot I’m sure.
  Monday we took President Madonsela home from the hospital after a shoulder operation.  This was a 3 ½ hour project because we had to do errands for him. Special place for dog food, go see Alfred, and Dunlop tire –his work place.  He would be off for a month which was good for the Branch.  Later we took Ezak 2 Elders to a late lunch at Chinese and took them to get their desk chairs.
  It was so windy on Tuesday so we picked up GoGo Zwane and set up our new Nursery cabinet and gave her the keys.  We taught our Institute class and got home about 6:15.
Kent could not resist soccer with GoGo Zwanes' Grandkids.
Took L adysmith Elders to Penelopes before transfers happen on Wednesday.  Teeth cleaning and couch delivery to Elders and routine house stuff.  Financial training with the Browns and DeKlerks in Ladysmith and the DeKlerks spent the night.  They went to Ladysmith Church and did Primary Birthday cake and we went to Ezakheni and taught music and did the cake for 55 children.  It was rather a mess and we had to explain to GoGo Zwane that she could not make hotdogs for lunch and cake for the kids on Sunday during Primary.  She wanted them to have lunch!
  Kent had to be out at Ezak on Monday and lots of odds and ends.  Instiute on Tuesday and I oriented our one and only  new Primary teacher.  She is an excited GoGo and a very experienced previous Gospel doctrine teacher, that will be teaching 14 6-7 year olds.  We planned out her first lesson with pics and activity and read the lesson.  She was on fire!  Kent always meets with the Branch Presidency while I’m doing Primary on Friday.

   Chengwenas VT,HT visit was Wednesday.  We also saw Alfred and had desks delivered to Elders and visited with them.  We saw Sibonelo on Thursday , had Chinese, and started shopping for the Mexican Feed coming up on Saturday.  Just looking for the stuff and getting to the Elders when we did boarding checks on Friday was a big deal. We tried to have our in-resident Mexican, Elder Lopez make corn tortillas, but he could not make them stick together.  We ended up with Elder Homer's homemade Roti tortillas instead.  They do have tortillas here -but expensive and not fresh tasting.  


   We eat a lot!!