Thursday, October 5, 2017

Braais and GA's

DeKlerk's S. African braai on the 27th at our house

After spending the night in Durban we took our P day and went to a big mall (Gateway) and had lunch and shopped.  I think I bought a dress and Kent and I looked at rugs.  It was a nice little respite after all the activity.
 On Tues we crashed and dumped everything to study for our class.  Wed. made and gave Yuthika her birthday cake since she put it on our calendar as a reminder, had lunch and shopped for Elders.  Took Elder Mbongi  to get shot, but had to order.  Some days are more productive than others.  Dirty house was getting to me so laundry and the works-mopping, vac, dust.  I feel better.
    Shopping for Bro Mkasi and Charles, our superiors in S and I had to happen on Thursday.  They would arrive on Friday afternoon in our neighborhood and go to our arranged- for B&B and spend the night and come to our home in the morning and have breakfast.  We would leave for Osizweni
Osizweni -first stop in their little portable.
in Newcastle and meet with Seminary and Institute students for instruction from Bro. Mkasi.  He was really good and got the kids to participate.  He is a professional S&I coordinator and an area Seventy.  They were having an RS activity with food and served us a big lunch of chicken and pap. We were then off to Madadeni Chapel for meetings with the District President and Branch Presidents.  It was Priesthood stuff, so I took the car and went to the Browns until dinner.  We then all met up and went to the Browns favorite Indian
Aftermath  of food-Elder Mkasi standing next to me.
restaurant and had a good meal and head out for Ladysmith an hour and 15 min trek.  It was a good day, but we would do more the next day in Ladysmith and Ezakheni.  Kent found the B&B and I’m so glad he did.  I could not have accomodated them here comfortably.  

   On Sunday Kent had to speak in Ladysmith and Elder Mkasi met with youth in Sunday School and gave another  different lesson.  We then scooted out to Ezakheni for a special youth Fireside after their block and gave a different message.  I didn’t hear any of this because Sis DeKlerk and I drove home and fixed dinner so they all could meet up and have dinner and chat till 6.
  Elder Mkasi was really cool with youth and I showed him my Name Shark app on my phone and he got it on the spot.   He started taking pictures everywhere he went.  He travels a lot and meets lots of different people and will use the app a lot I’m sure.
  Monday we took President Madonsela home from the hospital after a shoulder operation.  This was a 3 ½ hour project because we had to do errands for him. Special place for dog food, go see Alfred, and Dunlop tire –his work place.  He would be off for a month which was good for the Branch.  Later we took Ezak 2 Elders to a late lunch at Chinese and took them to get their desk chairs.
  It was so windy on Tuesday so we picked up GoGo Zwane and set up our new Nursery cabinet and gave her the keys.  We taught our Institute class and got home about 6:15.
Kent could not resist soccer with GoGo Zwanes' Grandkids.
Took L adysmith Elders to Penelopes before transfers happen on Wednesday.  Teeth cleaning and couch delivery to Elders and routine house stuff.  Financial training with the Browns and DeKlerks in Ladysmith and the DeKlerks spent the night.  They went to Ladysmith Church and did Primary Birthday cake and we went to Ezakheni and taught music and did the cake for 55 children.  It was rather a mess and we had to explain to GoGo Zwane that she could not make hotdogs for lunch and cake for the kids on Sunday during Primary.  She wanted them to have lunch!
  Kent had to be out at Ezak on Monday and lots of odds and ends.  Instiute on Tuesday and I oriented our one and only  new Primary teacher.  She is an excited GoGo and a very experienced previous Gospel doctrine teacher, that will be teaching 14 6-7 year olds.  We planned out her first lesson with pics and activity and read the lesson.  She was on fire!  Kent always meets with the Branch Presidency while I’m doing Primary on Friday.

   Chengwenas VT,HT visit was Wednesday.  We also saw Alfred and had desks delivered to Elders and visited with them.  We saw Sibonelo on Thursday , had Chinese, and started shopping for the Mexican Feed coming up on Saturday.  Just looking for the stuff and getting to the Elders when we did boarding checks on Friday was a big deal. We tried to have our in-resident Mexican, Elder Lopez make corn tortillas, but he could not make them stick together.  We ended up with Elder Homer's homemade Roti tortillas instead.  They do have tortillas here -but expensive and not fresh tasting.  


   We eat a lot!!

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