Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Darcy's Visit Continued

By Tuesday we are heading home from the coast
traveling the back roads and not the highways.
It was quick but we got home in one piece and we are
about 51/2 hours away from home (but reality was
closer to 6 or more hours because of short-cuts
that weren't short. Darcy is taking pics of the Sugar cane.  We
could smell the burning fields the night before.  They were harvesting some of the fields
and it takes over aa year to grow a crop of cane.

On Wednesday at 11 we took the girls to Nambiti for their game drive.  It is by our house and since we have been there a few times
we chose to stay home and work.  Darcy has lots of pics on facebook of game.  We picked her up at noon (Africans don't know what noon means) the next day.

Thursday was pick-up day and go to Penelope for a late lunch.
Friday was  a surprise for all of us.  I mentioned that I needed to take the girls to something cultural at Institute class  and Sister Zwane , our Seminary teacher in Ezakheni and good friend, said she had something planned in the form of dance with her current and former students at the school where she works.  She asked the our girl's sizes, which I gave her,  (they are of course different) and one of our handy seamstress sisters made these dresses for them to wear.
My Girls
They set up at the end of the church in the shade, so many pics are dark.  At the end we had a traditional feed (rice, baked chicken, potatoe mash) for the dancers and we got to serve it and of course have some.   My neighbor Uticka, came along for the fun and loved it .

I had to pin Darcy into her dress, but Lindsey was ok.  It was their gift.

Click here to see Zulu dancers.  Video!

Go Go Zwane and Mama Zwane
  I thought the boys dress and dance was by far the
most interesting.  
We don't know what the dances were about but the Zulu were warriors by heritage.  Children
all learn these dances in school and the best compete with other schools much like cheer-leading. 

On Saturday we took the girls to the Drakenburg mountains and the Birds of Prey.  There were too many people -all Europeans I think.  We saw a lot more show than the last time and got different information about these big birds, but it was harder to hear and see,(than the last time) because of all the people.
  D& L went on a gentle hike and we went to a lunch place at a hidden bakery.  We thought we would be by ourselves but again -wrong!
  Prepared for Sunday and went to Ladysmith chapel.
We went off to the airport after lunch and went to the Durbin Temple site as our last event before they boarded and went home. It's going up and the tar paper walls are in place after over a year and the Palm trees too.
By Darcy and Lindsey--It was a wonderful week and went by too fast!!


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