Thursday, November 24, 2016

Ice cream and Chicken Forever

   It's Monday again and time to say sanibonani and even though this week has not been super eventful, we will do some reporting.
   We went to Jenny for haircuts on Monday and talked with her about her mentally challenged 20 year old daughter.  She has language and although she can't read yet, she might be able to decode with Distar reading.  I sent her some info on the program and all about the parent guided book.  She wants to try it but not too sure if she can get it.  She has always thought that she would teach her daughter to read, but was never sure how it was happening.  Everything is special delivery here.  No, there are very limited and poor resources for special needs children here.  This little girl was blessed just to be born into this loving stable Mom and Dad home.
   Pres. Madonsela and his brother Alfred showed up at 11 to do Family History and get Alfred set up in Family Search with a password.  Alfred and Ivy are going to the temple on the 17th and we will be going also.  Ivie and Mable, the 2 wives were not so lucky getting set up, and I need a call in to find out why we are having trouble.  We taught our first temple prep class with Ivie and Alfred on Wednesday and they all helped translate for Ivie.  We did the "circle"(Plan of Salvation) lesson and she had comments and had questions.  It was visual so maybe it really helped.  They will have the session for her in Zulu with the earphones in the temple so that will also help.
   Our cute-across-the way neighbors, (3 little kids under 5 and Indian) had us over for dinner on Friday.  We took "Don't Eat Pete"  and the little girls of course loved the Rascals and M&Ms.  Universal!You never would have believed the feed they put on!.  Mutton curry, with rice and mashed potatoes.  Greens and carrot salad, puff-pastry chicken pie, baked chicken, roasted veg, and ice cream and cake. They thought we would be picky eaters and so they just made everything they could find. We are still stuffed!  I just got to hold the 4 month old right after we talked to Dempsey on Facetime, so I was a happy camper!
   Saturday had us at the Primary Saturday activity and practice for the Sacrament Meeting Program.  So confession time.  I wasn't sure how this was going to work and I did mention that when there's an activity that the children should have a snack.  So--that morning I made cupcakes with my hard to find Pillsbury cake mix, and had them in the car for insurance purposes.  When  the long  practice was over,  Kent came in and said, "don't worry about getting the cupcakes.   They've got it covered."
KFC was served with their little loaves of bread and sticky juice.  Everyone loves the chicken including us and then they bring out cake and ice cream.  This is the only Primary activity the children have all year so they do it up big.
    I practiced the church piano like mad Sunday morning, but I still messed up a little.  On my signature song "Scripture Power" I skipped a line at the end and never did recoup!  Great finale!  But the kids were great---Kent has video......

   Sorensens, the office couple,  will be going home soon on December 13, so they stopped by to say goodbye (and to fix the Elder's GPS that accidently slipped into Russian and wouldn't go back.)  Elder Sorensen is Mr fixit and is over vehicles in the mission and both he and she will be sorely missed when  they go home.  We had a Braai with steak and those millions of cupcakes--(we were so prepared.)  Kent and I commented on how we really must be isolated because we don't like people to leave.  We just need to chat!  This couple lives in Glendale Arizona so we will run into them again!  

We have new elders in our Dundee Branch, Elder DePriest, from Colorado and Elder Shinga from Zimbabwe. They are zone leaders. Can you guess which one is which? The former zone leaders both transferred out---Elder Martin to Durban and Elder Diehl to Lesotho (a landlocked country inside South Africa). We will miss them, They were good missionaries! These guys will be good too!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to come back and read more later - I don't want to miss a word! Love you guys!!
