Monday, May 8, 2017

April Is Fall

 Sunday was General Conference and Kent does flash drives with Saturday Morning Conference on it.  Bishopbric had Satellite coming over at the exact time of church but it was poor audio quality.
Since Ladysmith Elders moved boardings  the previous weekend, we had a huge shopping to do for them on Monday.
New fridge for Ladysmith!

   Mabel and Ivy both came for coaching on Primary lesson and English instruction.  It was so fun.  The Men could hardly make us go home!  We were watching videos,  doing the English lesson and Mabel was practicing her lesson on the recorder on my phone much like I used to do with Todd when he was little and talks were scary.
   No  Institute this week because students did not show.  It was Easter vacation for 2 weeks and there was a big youth activity going on when we got there.
Playing games.
Branch Pres. was making "1/4" sandwiches for each one when we got there. (1/4 of a loaf of bread)
About 40 youth came to activity.  (We have more primary!)
   Browns came down on  Friday for interviews and Sibonelo but he had a problem and called and cancelled.  Sis Brown and I went shopping and met the men later to go to lunch at our favorite place, Penelopes.
   Visited the Chingwenas out in Watersmeet on Sunday, our first as VT and Hometeachers.  We have the furthest out people because we will pay the petrol.  Monday the next day we visited the 2 Madonsela Families that live about 30 kms from Ladysmith and he is the Branch President! Running water comes their house once a week by truck into their JoJo tank.
Madonselas live in this township almost to Newcastle.
   As payment for washing our car on Saturday, we took the Elders to our Chinese place on Monday.  They were thrilled, especially when it was pouring rain with a loud electrical storm.  In fact Elder Varner was facing the window when a lightening bolt struck a lightening rod next to the restaurant and he saw the whole thing.  It caused a very loud burgler alarm to go off and blew their TV in the bar and messed up wiring of their phone.  The owner said later it did thousands of Rand worth of damage but hasn't seen the insurance money yet.  
  Sister Jilli's big party was on Tuesday.  Oh my gosh!  Relief Society asked me what you do when we have missionaries come home from their mission.  I said there was not anything they had to do--just welcome them home.  I told them that they could have an openhouse at their home if they wanted just to visit. I said that the Branch President would ask the missionary to speak in sacrament meeting and that  Sister Jilli could give a fireside to the ward at a latter date especially for the youth and light refreshments could be served.  At no time should the Branch pay for a big party.
Sis Jili
   This is what really happened after my solicited council:  It was like the prodical daughter had just returned.  3 cars of family and friends went to pick her up in Durban and then came home to a rented tent with table and chairs and rented table cloths.  (about 2 hours later than hoped for and about a 60 people had a sit down served banquet dinner)  There was a 30 minute program with music and all chief family members were sitting at the head table.
 It was very formal and I've never attended an openhouse like it. (icecream and cookies it was not not!)  The bride, I mean returned missionary from Zimbabwe, spoke for a few minutes and it was very inspiring for her nonmember family members.  She did not speak that Sunday, but we did have a "Fireside" after the block and friends had made sandwichs and biscuits and juice ( the Branch did pay for it).!  We are in Africa !  The good news is, is that Sis. Jilli is a beautiful African girl that had a very successful mission and neat stories to tell  of her  experiences.  She was older when she left and had  community college done.  She will not be leaving the Branch to go to school, but will strengthen the Branch by staying for now and getting a job.  (the elusive job)  
 We had a good Institute on Wednesday.
   Took Stabiso for his missionary present and  Penelopes because he loves it for lunch!
He got a good pair of shoes.  Hope his Dad will come through on the suit.
   On Friday we offered to show "Joseph Smith and the Restoration" for a youth activity at 2PM in Ezakheni.  We had about 35 people total and I of course had to try to supply popcorn. (airpoppers almost non existent)  School was still out till the 18th.
About 8 of the Elder"s investigators showed up and they were thrilled.  
   Saturday  was a trip in taxi for the Ladysmith Branch.  Ivy and Alfred were being sealed with their children and the Taylors had someone sending and donating $300 for the taxi. We were leaving the next week for the coast and opted to not go to Joburg this time.  We need to get special permission now.  They didn't need us!  They had a wonderful time.     
   Easter Sunday was special with me doing Easter sharing time in Ezakheni and leaving the last hour to be back in time for Sister Jilli's Fireside.    

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