Wednesday, July 19, 2017

What a Mix!

After Fathers Day, we stayed home and I did home stuff.  We did WISE and then all week we scanned paperwork for the Elder's car accident.  It was a paperwork nightmare for all of us because we have the scanner for paperwork to Joburg and Durban office. Elders were here everyday for a week.  By Wednesday I started my cakes for the big Relief Society Homemaking meeting featuring Sister Rhodes and cake baking.
 On close questioning the Sisters are really fascinated by cake decorating-like the cakes at our bakery at Pick-and Pay our local grocery bakery.  Lucky for us Sibonelo (the bakery manager) will do anything for me,  so I asked him to demo piping on a cake and he  was willing.
 It has been a long time for him because he's been the bakery manager for a long time.  He was cute and so patient with me when I told him he needed to talk to his audience as he did his demonstration.  He was good- I think, because it generated into a Zulu fest.
 I had my computer set up on a demo video for a paper cone bag for the frosting and everyone learned how to do it and tried to "pipe" .  We made a lemon jello cake to eat with whipped cream dolop.  (Most had never seen someone whip cream because they do not have electric mixers).  They bake with their ovens, but not desserts and mostly just use their stove tops.  They decorated their red velvet cupcakes that I brought and he (Sibonelo) decorated Elder Trapnell's birthday cake
for later that night at our home.  Kent stayed and took pics and tried to be useful--but mostly ate and had fun.  The sisters ate cake and then had dinner. We took our plates home as soon as we cleaned up.  I think a good time was had by all.
   This week was busy with Elders and Browns also.  Elder Brown is getting 2 new members of Ladysmith Branch ready to get the Melchezidek Priesthood and conducting interviews and classes with them .  We see the Browns and go to lunches a lot the  next few weeks.
  We had Ladysmith Branch Conference on the 25th of June.  Practicing with the choir with Sister Banda sounded pretty bad, but when we actually did the performance it sounded pretty good.
  Monday was Kent's and my excursion to another Boer and English battlefield by our house.  I'll let him tell all about it.

  Okay, this is Kent!  I love the local history and it is extremely interesting. I think I have already talked about the Boer/English war around 1900 and have described how 21,000 Boer soldiers surrounded our town of Ladysmith (where we live now) and trapped about 12,000 British soldiers here for four months. Sir Redvers Buller was in command of the rescue attempt but was held off for these months by the Boers. One of his attempts to break through the Boer lines was at a tall hill called  Spioenkop. We visited this site and were impressed with how they had displayed the history and the battle that took place.  The British lost 343 dead, 563 wounded and the Boers lost 68 dead and 134 wounded. So, the Boers won. Most of the British are buried on the hill, many right where they fell. Did I mention that I love the history. Just wait until I get home, I can Boer you to death!
  Met with  Sister Adams and showed her a video and convinced her to get a councilor.  She came to Branch  Presidency meeting that same night and we gave her a flash drive with sacrament meeting program videos and music.  Equipped her and had something she could do for Sunday.  The Browns came again and I put her to work with Doreen and English book to  see how she was doing.  Doreen and husband Benson are from Malawi and were at first struggling with our church vocabulary.  He does great but Sister Brown assessed her and decided that maybe she would just need help with her writing and reading.  Language was pretty good except for church lingo.
   Wednesday we did and spent most of the day buying and looking for stuff to go in the Elder's 72 hour buckets.  Went home teaching and VT to our group this week and had my first VT visit from Sis. Adams.  It was a picture perfect visit. Went to Ezakheni Sunday and they had 7 confirmations but what a mess for Primary.  I had Nursury,but Kent went and got the councilor to look at Primary--no adults or any teachers and kids were  just running all over the building.  Things will happen!
   Monday the 2nd we decide to go a few hours away to the VanUtierts in Bethlahem.  We went to the mall and had lunch and drove around Harrismith, where we found our first real Antique store.  (Winterton doesn't even count) There was lots of everything especially furniture but mostly from England.  She says that antiques don't survive here and she would have nothing in her store if she did not import. (of course I found something!)  Such a fun P-Day excursion.
   Crazy 4th of July with a very hairy day.  We had Zone leaders show up and the Browns coming from Durban and staying until 6. We had a late lunch.  Our Elders came early to use the computer.  It was grand central.   Petersons came late at 5 with a missionary that needed to go home to Ezakheni.  Kent had to go out by himself while I entertained.
   My Family's reunion going on this week and face timed with my Mom.  My kids did a great job hosting in Utah around Heber with 60 of my brothers and sisters and their children.
   Met with Ezakheni Branch Presidency about what is needed for the Primary presidency.  I gave a little presentation of the type of lady we need for the 40-50 children.    A 16 year old has been in charge for the last 3 years.  It never should have happened, but sometimes I guess little branches are desperate.  That was when the Branch was small and only 20 kids.
     Met with Sister Adams again and showed her leadership training video and Kent went to Branch Presidency Mt while we met at home.

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