Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Aug 6, 2016

Our first week of the MTC is in the books.  What an experience this was!
 On Monday Aug. 1, we arrived at the Mission Training Center along with about 60 couples.  Young elders picked up our bags and we trouped upstairs to our new apartment with shower and bed and no TV or fridge.  We didn't miss a thing because we were so busy..
Dean and Annette Burgess the MTC Pres.

We were set apart by Dean Burgess, Kent's old high school friend and  college roomate, and invited available family that first night to come for the setting apart.  We had such fun lunches with Dean and Annette.  We reminded them of fun double dates we had in college and they reminded us of some.        

   We went  to about 2 firesides and 1 devotionals.  Elder Anderson was one .  Elder Holland's son was one of the speaker's and very amazing.  His talk was on the Prophet Joseph's First Vision and other historical facts.  History is his forte.

These Sisters just arrived and needed room assignements.  They were so colorful and fun to watch.
Distict with Sis Clark and Elder Stahli(Squires,...)

The music  at those meetings was amazing because everyone wants a seat.   They join the choir and practice and get a good seat.  The choir basically makes up the whole audience.  We met so many inspiring sojourners that were going on their 2nd and 3rd missions.  Most were like us  though-green as green.
   It was busy with teaching and classes and  learning about our responsibilities.   Our  inservice with "S and I" was amazing.  They gave us tips on studying the scriptures.

    It seems that we did nothing but eat, and the laundry was picture worthy, it was so big.

There can be over 3000 missionariesin the MTC at any given time.  Young and old teachers and our districts were notable so I'm including pics.  It was so intense and tiring.

 We  went to Ty's that first Weekend to finish packing.  This is our last supper at a Thai Restaurant in Provo with Todd and Tyler's family.

Tried to go to the temple but Monday was our only day so we just hiked  around instead.!
We left on the following Thurs the 11th from the MTC in a shuttle.  The driver asked us why it seemed so busy on Wed.  (We had our first discussion about the church and what goes on in the MTC).  There's always missionary opportunities!
   The plane left for Dallas at 3:30PM.  We thought it interesting that the church had our flight plans when we arrived  with British Air and American and not Delta.  The day before, 20 Elders came back from the airport  because of a huge Delta computer glitch.  On to Africa!



  1. I LOVE your Blog and your Blog name - you are so clever!!!! I think ours will be "Matthews Madness", but there is time for you guys to help us pick out something spectacular before we leave!! Everything looks so fun and exciting - makes me anxious to get to the MTC and to serve full time!!!!! Onward!!

  2. I LOVE your Blog and your Blog name - you are so clever!!!! I think ours will be "Matthews Madness", but there is time for you guys to help us pick out something spectacular before we leave!! Everything looks so fun and exciting - makes me anxious to get to the MTC and to serve full time!!!!! Onward!!
