Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sept 14,
   I'm still trying to play catch up and am still about a month behind.  Each day goes so fast!
Kent is still the desig driver because the walkers freak me out more than him.  I will drive soon.  We arrived in Ladysmith noonish and snacked all day cause we didn't know where to go and we were busy unpacking.  The Hinds met us at our home and took us out to dinner at the Spur in Ladysmith.  It was hamburgers and frys but not very good.  They are dear people and they drove home to New Castle in the dark .  We thought they were so brave, and kind to greet us.  Elder Hind is in the mission Presidency with President Thompson and takes care of all the temple interviews and District callings that have to be made.  The District is manned by the Mission President and it is huge!  They are always driving.

   The next morning we had to explore and put on our name tags and go grocery shopping.  It took us 2.5 hours at our local Pick and Pay.  We spent over 1000 Rand and we had to go back the next 4 days for things we forgot or could not find.  But the good news was that we stuck out like a sore white thumb-apparently.  We had 5 people stop us and talk to us about the Taylors or the missionaries they lost contact with.  2 people were active members and helped us find things or just wanted to be friendly.  We got 2 referals for the missionaries and hopefully we will be able see those people join.  The missionaries have lots of people they are teaching and even committed to baptism but our Ladysmith Branch has a problem in that Dunlop tire has our Branch Pres, our Primary President and some other key people working on Sunday because they have gone to a 7 day work week.  The numbers have gone way down and sadly things seem very disorganised.  We have only been able to attend 2 times because we've been traveling also, going to other Branches to visit our S&I teachers. I Think we are supposed to be going to Ezakheni Branch and Ladysmith equally but it is up to the District President and we haven't heard yet.
   Our home is large in a small condo (10 units) complex that is gated and very secure.  Wherever you go there are dogs behind high spiked gates and fences, but not in our complex.  The gates are remote controlled and topped with spikes and barbed wire.  We have 2 garages but only use one while the other one stores junk that has been left by the previous.  We have a back patio with 4 bedrooms, all outfitted with beds except our office.  We have 2 bathrooms with one having a shower and one having a tub.  We have a small kitchen with the regular stuff and in a addition we have a side patio off the kitchen, livingroom and dining area with a big table.  I'd say about 1600 sf in total.


   We are in Spring time right now -with chilly mornings and maybe as high as the high 80's in afternoons.  Things are greening up because in summer we get rain.  They have had 3 years of drought and so we are hoping to have a rainy season.  December and January are the hottest months and we are headed into summer vacation 2nd of October and start up with Seminary mid January.
   We met the Hinds in Dundee 1hr and 15min a away, because we needed to teach our seminary and institute classes.  We sat in and saw how darling and excited about learning they all are.

  They meet in a fixed up house that equals classrooms and kitchen.  We have not been to Sacrament mt that is actually set up in the garage.  Dundee is smaller than Ladysmith but it has a better feel.  We love the students.

 Kent has eight or nine students that at least come 70% of time and I have 2 Institute students that come most of the time. We are both finishing out the Old Testament courses.  We pick 3 students up before we get to the building so we leave 2 hours before class to make it work.  We don't generally take kids home, but, we do when it rains.  It takes some students 1 1/2 hrs to walk home.  They live far out in the townships.
  This is where our students and branch members live.  They live so far out that they sometimes need to pay for Taxis or walk for 2 hr to get to church.  Transportation is a real problem.

  They usually have electricity and tv but many have no plumbing or water.  A water pump may be in the middle of the block and they carry it on their heads.  The round buildings are still built new for their ancestors or wives and children, special rituals or company.

These people are so clean and I have never been in a public facility that isn't spotless.  I find it amazing and inspiring.  They always look decked out and fine  for Church.  Pics are blury because we are driving and stopping.  There are so many people walking usually.


  1. Your house is awesome! Wish we could come see it in person!I also really enjoyed seeing pictures of the students and their homes. It's humbling and inspiring just reading about it. I can't imagine being there living it. Keep the posts coming!

  2. So amazing!! It makes me want to serve there!!!!

  3. So amazing!! It makes me want to serve there!!!!
